This is a question you may never have to ask yourself again.
If you’re like me, you probably subscribe to several alerting systems that act like your virtual eyes and ears on the subjects you are most interested in. For me it’s Boston sports, entertainment, and antique auto parts for sale on eBay. I even have an alert for “vintage Harley Davidson golf carts”. And like clockwork, every morning my e-mail contains the latest results on my subscribed alerting systems.
If I can get an automated alert on the latest updates for old, junky golf carts (my wife’s words, not mine), then why on earth wouldn’t I take the same approach with my most critical business productivity environments? That’s right; I’m talking about the virtual apps and desktops in my Citrix XenApp and XenDesktop deployments.

An automated notification on whether my XenApp and XenDesktop environment are patched with the latest updates / hot fixes delivered straight to my inbox? No searching, manual blog scouring, or even missed patches? Sign me up!
Don’t take my word for IT. Tune into the latest TechTalks To Go and see what Product Manager extraordinaire Matthew Varghese has to say and demo about Citrix SmartTools.